02 September 2011

Works In Progress

I am somewhat notorious for starting big personal projects and never finishing them. Here are some recent examples. Who knows, maybe I'll finish them one day!
Gladiator vs. Monster
  This one was mostly inspired by an episode of Deadliest Warrior in which an Apache warrior and a Roman Gladiator were compared and pitched against one another in battle. The Apache won, but I now have a taste for Gladiator arms and armor and a newfound respect for the trident's effectiveness as a weapon.

Steampunk Baba Yaga Cottage - Graphite

Partially colored version of the above

Baba Yaga is quite possibly the coolest folktale character ever. I mean, a house. On bird legs. Making it a Steam Age monstrosity with a quaint flair and a lot of bronze is a recipe for pure, distilled, AWESOME.

Pity I never finished it. I am more likely to go back and finish this  than I am for the others.

This was supposed to be for the Alphabeastiary challenge "H for Hellhound". I didn't finish it in time and lost interest. Unfortunately, it would seem that they have, too. Alphabeastiary has been very quiet of late.

01 September 2011


After watching several speedpainting videos and a healthy dose of Stargate SG-1 over the past week, I've been increasingly inspired to doodle conceptual spaceships in my notebook. I picked out my favorite, and it's getting all polished up in Photoshop. Here's what I've got thus far.

Totally going to use it for worldbuilding on Toria or something. It's about time my headworld got some proper spaceships.

Also, I finally figured out how to draw a straight horizontal line in Photoshop! It's been, what, two years?

29 August 2011

School Art

Independent Study is great because I can kind of do what ever I want. This mostly consists of reading Cracked.com, but occasionally I'll get bored with that and draw something on Photoshop. The lack of a tablet at my disposal leads to some interesting results, as I end up using the Polygonal Lasso Select tool for precision's sake.

At the moment, I've only got this one on file, but I will upload the rest later.

The background is sort of copied from the cover of Pretty Lights' album "Making Up A Changing Mind".
Chartreuse spaceships are the shiz.
[EDIT] New space piece made Sept. 13-15

26 August 2011

Fun with Sculptris

Sculptris is a free program by Pixologic, and is essentially a simplified version of Zbrush. I've been playing with it quite a bit, with some interesting results. 

The Silence: an alien creature playing the role of villain in Series 6 of Doctor Who. I've been pretty taken with their design from the start. This bust was fairly challenging to sculpt for me, but enjoyable all the same.
Speaking of Doctor Who, I am SO excited for Part 2 of Series 6. I will almost certainly be on edge until 9:00 when it airs for the first time. I've been keeping up with all the trailers and teasers; never a good idea, as I get all wound up two weeks before the release date. It's unbearable.

Isn't being a fan of things great?

I've got some neat stuff in my sketchbook to upload. I'll do that as soon as I get the chance.

30 June 2011

This is Proof of How Bad I Am at Deadlines

I'm actually further along than this.

This was meant to be a contest entry for the RIFT: Create a Colossus contest on deviantART. I could easily have finished it before the contest was over, but I procrastinated for a week and promptly lost my tablet stylus. And of course a new one would not be able to ship before the contest was over. So much for that. But hey, it's still pretty. Ish.

Despite the problems associated with this picture and the fact that it is almost entirely pointless now, I quite like it and will work on finishing it instead of finishing commissions like I should be doing.

I'll post progress shots as I work on it.

In other news, I have whittled down my list of overdue commissions significantly, so hopefully I can get some new customers after I get back from England.  Oh, did you know I’m going to England? I’m going to England. I’ll post some photos and stories from my trip, too.

So I Finally made a blog.

Lets' see how long this lasts before I forget it exists.

I'll be posting a lot of unfinished work here, along with some updates on big art projects and such. If possible, I'll post some progress shots and maybe even some actual blog type stuff if I feel like it.