30 June 2011

This is Proof of How Bad I Am at Deadlines

I'm actually further along than this.

This was meant to be a contest entry for the RIFT: Create a Colossus contest on deviantART. I could easily have finished it before the contest was over, but I procrastinated for a week and promptly lost my tablet stylus. And of course a new one would not be able to ship before the contest was over. So much for that. But hey, it's still pretty. Ish.

Despite the problems associated with this picture and the fact that it is almost entirely pointless now, I quite like it and will work on finishing it instead of finishing commissions like I should be doing.

I'll post progress shots as I work on it.

In other news, I have whittled down my list of overdue commissions significantly, so hopefully I can get some new customers after I get back from England.  Oh, did you know I’m going to England? I’m going to England. I’ll post some photos and stories from my trip, too.

So I Finally made a blog.

Lets' see how long this lasts before I forget it exists.

I'll be posting a lot of unfinished work here, along with some updates on big art projects and such. If possible, I'll post some progress shots and maybe even some actual blog type stuff if I feel like it.