29 August 2011

School Art

Independent Study is great because I can kind of do what ever I want. This mostly consists of reading Cracked.com, but occasionally I'll get bored with that and draw something on Photoshop. The lack of a tablet at my disposal leads to some interesting results, as I end up using the Polygonal Lasso Select tool for precision's sake.

At the moment, I've only got this one on file, but I will upload the rest later.

The background is sort of copied from the cover of Pretty Lights' album "Making Up A Changing Mind".
Chartreuse spaceships are the shiz.
[EDIT] New space piece made Sept. 13-15

26 August 2011

Fun with Sculptris

Sculptris is a free program by Pixologic, and is essentially a simplified version of Zbrush. I've been playing with it quite a bit, with some interesting results. 

The Silence: an alien creature playing the role of villain in Series 6 of Doctor Who. I've been pretty taken with their design from the start. This bust was fairly challenging to sculpt for me, but enjoyable all the same.
Speaking of Doctor Who, I am SO excited for Part 2 of Series 6. I will almost certainly be on edge until 9:00 when it airs for the first time. I've been keeping up with all the trailers and teasers; never a good idea, as I get all wound up two weeks before the release date. It's unbearable.

Isn't being a fan of things great?

I've got some neat stuff in my sketchbook to upload. I'll do that as soon as I get the chance.